Private Schools in Westchester
The private schools in Westchester cater to every educational need and parent philosophy. This is KidsOutAndAbout's list.
Click here to view all upcoming open houses in our area.
Click here to check out our brand-new page: a compilation of videos created by local private and alternative schools. You'll get a great sense of what each offers!
View our Special Edition Westchester Private School Newsletter sent in November 2024.
If there is a private school that we have missed in our list below, please email us to let us know, and we'll add it promptly. Thank you!
King School
The Montfort Academy
The Montfort Academy is the only classical curriculum co-educational Catholic high school in New York. Montfort focuses on the formation of mind, body and soul, and trains students to write well, think logically, and speak confidently in public. Montfort has over 20 clubs, 16 athletic teams, APs, and college-level electives including Astronomy and Oceanography with a boat on the LI Sound. Montfort offers a capstone trip to Sicily. 100% college admission including to Ivy League, Catholic, and State Schools. 30% of class accepted into top 1% of colleges. Rated A+ by Niche. Montfort: where relationships matter and true friendships form.