Actors Technique New York

Actors Technique NY (ATNY) was established in 2003 as a way to help all actors in the progression of their careers. We work with New York’s most prestigious agents, managers and casting directors daily and boast the highest number of young actor TV/Film bookings and representation in New York City. Our focus is On-Camera Acting and Audition Technique and we’ve expanded to Musical Theatre and Adult Classes.
Our exclusive coaches are experienced, passionate and fun. Our classes are professional as we expect professionalism and growth. We’re judged by the agents and managers who recommend their kids to our facility. Our successful actors are found in national television series, major films, commercials, stage, voice-overs and print. They’ve worked with major stars, such as Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Christopher Lloyd and others. Our NYC Industry Showcases will allow your child the opportunity to be seen and show off what they’ve learned. We guarantee all our services and leave our phone open for free parents guidance. Let us help you navigate your child’s career.