Toddlertime Nursery School

Toddlertime Nursery School You are invited to attend a tour day to hear from the Director, Carolyn Williams, meet the teachers and see the classrooms in action. Upcoming tour dates are November 20th and December 5th for entering 2’s, November 6th for entering 3’s and older and a general open house on December 18th for all families. All tours and open houses begin at 9:30am. To reserve a space, please email’s educational program provides a foundation for success in life. With this goal in mind, we have been inspired by leaders of education, business, and health fields to create an educational program that not only prepares children for later success in school but also develops key skills which will serve children throughout life. According to Williams, “children are given the opportunity to make decisions, take risks, develop compassion, work collaboratively as both a leader and a team player, persevere when challenged, take responsibility for their actions, and act with integrity because these life skills are important to a successful life”. Toddlertime has twenty two highly qualified and professional staff members. Twelve of the staff members are New Canaan residents and over half the staff has advanced degrees. Toddlertime offers preschool programs and summer camp for children ages 21 months until they enter kindergarten. Twos may choose two or three days a week. Threes have an option of three, four or five days a week. Fours attend five days with three extended days and the Fives attend five days with three extended days. The Fives class is intended only for those who have already completed a fours program. Toddlertime offers a lunch and enrichment program every day until 2pm with over ten activity choices including theater, karate, cooking, gym, Spanish, music, explorers club and building. Children also participate in music, movement, science, cooking and gym during the regular school day and have regular enrichment visitors from the community. The school year begins the day after Labor Day and ends in the middle of June with a total of 175 days of school following the New Canaan Public Schools with respect to holidays and emergency school closures. Toddlertime is located at 23 Park Street on the ground floor of the Congregational Church. For more information visit or call 203.972-3111.