Athletes Warehouse

What To Expect When Becoming an AW Athlete:
Our community is one that we cherish and continue to expand upon. We plan to do this for years to come, with the primary goal of continuously educating and preparing our community for whatever sport they play, regardless if their sport is baseball, basketball, or just life. The following is a run down of our business methodology and how we REDEFINE our athletes with such a high success rate.
Our evaluation and program development and advancement are all based off “The Training Progression TriadTM,” which focuses on an athletes Physical, Psychological, and Training Maturation.
The Evaluation
(The Foundation)
We start with our postural and overall composition analysis (Physical Maturation). Looking at different target points on the body in an attempt to discover points of strength or points of biomechanical deficiencies (i.e. Shoulder positioning: Are they back and down? Or are they forward and protracted?) In addition, we are looking at relative structure of the individual and noting their levels of development. During this section of our analysis we may involve our on-site partners in ProClinix if we deem a medical assessment necessary (a Sports Physical Therapy and Chiropractic team). After some brief note taking we will then begin our next phase: Our movement screening (Training Maturation). This segment is rather lengthy and will be comprised of coupling movements that initiates from the most basic (i.e. vertical reaching lunge) and graduates to more advanced movement patterns (i.e. a narrow grip overhead squat). The final stage of our evaluation process will really take place over the entire evaluation as well as throughout each and every training session; a psychological/emotional understanding of the individual experience andmotivational screening (Psychological Maturation). To clarify, we are not psycho-analyzing the athlete. More specifically, we are just trying to get an understanding of their current maturity level, confidence in a strength and conditioning setting, quality and quantity of their motivation, etc. This system has provided us the foundation to build not only our evaluation but our entire methodology.
Program Design
(The Science Behind The Success)
Post evaluation we then as a team (or pockets of our team) sit down and create a program geared towards accomplishing both the goals of the athlete as well as improving their areas of deficiency. We would start our program design by creatingMicrocycles. A Microcycle usually consists of a 2-4 week window concentrating on either one or more particular movement competencies. Each Microcycle would have their own finer objectives with the idea that they are segments of our larger and longer Mesocycle objectives. Our Mesocycles are much longer in length and usually comprise of 2-4 Microcycles and can span over several months depending on the length of the athletes training availability between sports. Each of our Micro and Mesocycles will be generally divided into four phases:
- THE BREAKDOWN PHASE – The athlete is re-evaluated through a subjective movement analysis.
- THE RE-TEACHING PHASE – The athlete is stripped of prior understanding of selected movements and re-taught proper alignment, movement, and force/power production with in the movement.
- THE REDEVELOPMENT PHASE – The athlete begins to develop better movement patterns and is representing a higher competency with the movement and any of it’s derivatives.
- THE REDEFINING PHASE – The athlete becomes highly proficient at the intricate breakdowns (segments) of the movement that are necessary to experience pure competency of a particular movement pattern.
Three Main Program Objectives.
Main Program Objectives:
- MINIMIZE the athletes risk of injury
- EDUCATE the athlete
- MAXIMIZE the athletes performance potential
Even though an athlete is generally coming to our facility with the objective of ultimately improving their peak performance potential, the objectives above are listed in our perceived order of importance.
We as professionals realize their are two more important steps that must be addressed prior to an athlete reaching their peak performance capabilities, which is removing biomechanical deficiencies and creating movement competency. There cannot be advancement or peak achievement without these first two steps.
Program Advancement
(The Path of Righteousness)
We accomplish our Three Main Program Objectives by adhering to the “Training Progression TriadTM” Thus, assuring our athletes advancement is progressive and warranted. The athlete must possess maximal competency in all three spectrums of the Triad in order to be advanced to the next level of the program.
The Community
(Your Textbook)
It is our mission at Athletes Warehouse to educate and prepare our athletes from as many different platforms as possible. This is with the overall goal in mind that we want our athletes to be smarter than their competitors, then their teammates, and even under certain circumstance, their future coaches. Through our research and development site and the constant interactions among its followers, the community rather than the individual becomes educated. We believe Knowledge is to Success, what Power is to an Athlete.